Sunday, June 24, 2012

The In-Between

{for the full effect...this should be read while listening to the song "Le Chant" by Andrea Marie Reagan link to Andrea Marie's Album

Pictures usually inspire my heart to write…pictures I see waiting to happen outside my window, pictures I make with my handy little iphone or my big Canon Mark II, pictures I create in my mind when beautiful music is playing, pictures I see when looking back thru the history of our life remembering the moments that swept me off my feet and made me remember why I am alive.  This morning I was looking back thru my photos…and there it was, my Cadence Zion, 9 years old, brown as an indian, sitting in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.  As parents we "capture" our children with our eyes all the time…most of those times are when they are not looking. It is the way there hands move or the way they smile when no one is around and they amuse themselves, or maybe when they look at you and all at once you feel love like you've never felt before.  I feel like a constant camera, asking the Holy Spirit always to help me savor this life I have with them.  I ask that He would keep me alert and alive, that my eyes could be kissed with eternity.  He has put eternity in the hearts of men…How do we connect with eternity in every day life.  I am on a journey to feel eternity here on this earth…in the real soil of life.  Cadence Zion here in this moment…I caught him in the in between.  In between what? I can't remember. It doesn't matter.  Oh that every season would be my favorite.  That I would look back on life and feel overwhelmed by the goodness of God to invite me into motherhood.  Life is moving, always, may we get into the flow of the beauty of it.  That we would trade in our heaviness for a weightless grace to love deep.