Friday, December 2, 2011

The Helser Family West Coast/Hawaii Excursion

So one of the beautiful parts of being in full-time ministry, doing home school, and being married to Jonathan is all the lovely traveling. Our kids are now getting old enough to travel and remember all the amazing sites, appreciate the good food and make it through long plane rides. We had the privilege of going to Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii this November. It was a 20 day trip...Super Fun, Super Long, Super Amazing.

{ Part One: Washington to Oregon }
Pike Place Market
Seattle, Washington Pike Place Market

Traveling with kids Tip #1
[invite them into loving the things you love]

Our kids love, love, love big cities, little cafes, amazing coffee shops (for hot chocolate...of course), good food, breathtaking views, nice hotels, quiet moments to savor the privilege of traveling, movies on airplanes, quality time in the midst of a crazy schedule, meeting new people and the list goes on.

Downtown Seattle...Jonathan and Haven

the crumpet shop>Seattle Washington
The Crumpet Shop...Seattle {Cadence and Haven loved it!}

Traveling with kids Tip #2
[always make intentional time for them and the people they love]
Friends in Oregon
Oregon Coast...Brittany & Peter drove up from California.

kids & peter/brittany

Me and my lovely husband.


  1. beautiful pics. Thanks for making your lives so public. Love you guys

  2. What a complete blast!! Love love the pics.. feel like I could step into the different spaces.

  3. Beautiful! I would frame them and hang them on my own wall, just to remind me of the important things I sometimes forget... :)

  4. OH Melissa these are gorgeous photos. I'm so glad you're taking photos again. I miss you guys! I heard ya'll ran into our friend Bekah at the market in Seattle. I was so jealous! Love you, miss you. -Sarah

  5. Beautiful photos and family. I love your music and am sad to have missed your trip here. Next time?:)

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